Venus through the Zodiac Signs

Venus is one of the personal planets, and it rules the signs of Taurus and Libra. Its position in a natal chart can say a lot about what we are or aren't attracted to, our concept of beauty, our values and our needings and expectations in romantic relatonships. Let's dive deep in the meaning and characteristics of this planet and through its declinations in the different zodiac signs.

The birth of Venus, by Botticelli

☆ Venus in mythology

Aphrodite in Greek mythology is the goddess of love, art and beauty. In the Roman one, however, Venus is more carnal, sensual, she is the goddess of fertility. Venus, planet of love, was Vulcan's wife, but she betrayed him with her brother Mars. Venus and Mars form the most erotic couple in the Zodiac. Venus is the daughter of Uranus and Gaea: according to the myth she was born from the blood of her father, after he was castrated by his son, Cronus. According to the myth Venus was born following the fall of the genital organ into the sea. Homer, in the Iliad, says that she was the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Venus is also the mother, among others, of Cupid, the god of love.

☆ Planet Venus characteristics

- Apparent solar revolution (time taken by the planet to complete its revolution): 225 days

- Element: Air

- Body part: Lungs, bladder, kidneys, neck

- Physical function: Sexuality, anabolism

- Metal: Copper

- Stone: Rose quartz

- Day of the week: Friday

☆ Venus through the signs

Check your Venus placement in your natal chart to discover more about yourself:

Aries: Your feelings arise in an impetuous way like love at first sight: passionate exuberance. Impulsive, inconstant, excessive, unreflective affectivity, without half measures. Poor loyalty and constancy, tendency to abrupt breakdowns, possessiveness, intrusiveness. Poor diplomacy and aesthetic sensibility, aversion to fussiness. Attracted to adventure and conquest.

Taurus: Warm, sensual, healthy affectivity, far from tortuous and turbid. Intense sensitivity to sensory and aesthetic stimuli. Strong sensuality, love for comfort. Desire for stability, continuity, loyalty, affection for the family. Possessiveness, jealousy. Vulnerability, tendency to sacrifice, masochistic dedication if the planet is badly expected.

Gemini: Egotic affectivity, few altruistic impulses. Desire to be loved and admired, flirtations and adventures. Volubility in the field of love. Cold, intellectualized, superficial way of loving. Charm and sympathy. Aesthetic sensitivity with a lucid critical sense. Affective instability.

Cancer: Affective intensity, affectionate tenderness, a desire for protection and understanding. Passivity, dreamy attitude, tendency to bond with memories, idealized and romantic loves, lack of initiative and practical sense. Enhanced, soft, neurotic sensuality. Laziness, love for comforts. Tendency to prolong unhappy relationships, emotional vulnerability.

Leo: Enthusiastic, generous, warm, protective, passionate, ardent, exhibitionist affectivity. Love for luxury, search for prestigious loves. Desire for admiration, to be in the spotlight, possessiveness, jealousy, despotic attitude, poor manual dexterity. On the negative side, love disappointments cause authoritarianism, excessive pride, intrusiveness.

Virgo: Reluctance to abandon to love and passion, inability to commit emotionally, refusal of blind love. Frigidity and sexual taboos. Little affective warmth, it is preferred to express love and affection with practical gestures. Self-control, aspiration to an orderly sentimental life, or dispersion in numerous flirtations that do not commit. Poor artistic / hedonistic sensitivity, excellent manual skills. Sentimental dryness, moralism, if the planet is negative.

Libra: Caution in love, coldness and reasoning in matters of the heart, thoughtful choices. Selectivity and search for harmony. Aspiration for marriage and stable unions. Lack of sensuality, which reacts more to aesthetic than carnal stimuli, lack of passion. Amiability, courteous spirit, vanity, coquetry, attention to exteriority. Refined tastes, sense of beauty, artistic skills. Negatives: uncertainties, amorous disappointments due to an excessive critical spirit.

Scorpio: Intense and deep feelings, mainly triggered by erotic attraction. Tendency to conceal what one feels, distrust, but once this stage is overcomed the passion becomes extreme, visceral, with a desire for fusion. Taste for slightly cloudy seduction, for complicated, unusual situations. Experimentalism. On the negative, erotic frustrations, sexual perversions, sado-masochistic attitude.

Sagittarius: Affection that is simple, serene, warm, candid, sincere and a little naive. A way of loving without seductive implications. Taste for simple, reassuring things, healthy eroticism. Possibly inclination to an undemanding adventure, but the presence of Jupiter leads to a tendency to moralism and therefore to the preference for solid bonds, in compliance with conventions. On the negative, emotional frustrations due to naivety, or to the excessive didactic insistence of the sign.

Capricorn: Sentimental conduct inspired by caution and mistrust. Reduced spontaneity, excluding lightning strikes, confidentiality. Little pursuit of pleasure and little hedonism. Rationality in affective choices, reasoned, prone to utilitarian unions. Tenacious, sincere feelings, few expressions of affection.

Aquarius: Free, casual, nonconformist sentimental attitude, not tied to conventions. Search for spiritual affinities, a way of loving based on friendship. Lack of passion and emotional detachment. Poor loyalty, independence. Taste for novelty, opportunism. Tolerance for adultery, little jealousy. On the negative, indiscriminate adventures, affective coldness, neurotic heroism.

Pisces: Intense affectivity, exasperated emotionality, romantic and idealized loves, even platonic ones. Poetic sense, spirit of sacrifice, affection. Immediate perception of pleasant and unpleasant situations. All-encompassing, exhilarating passions, with the risk of bitter disappointments. Restlessness and sentimental disorder, anxiety of not being loved, willingness to adventure. Artistic tendency.

Hope you found it useful:)

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