Stellium in the houses

 What is a Stellium?

There are many things to analyze, evaluate and weigh in a birth chart, but there are some that certainly have greater relevance: this is the case of the Stellium. What is a stellium? It is the accumulation of three or more planets in conjunction, in the same astrological sign or house. The Lunar Nodes, Lilith the Black Moon and the Fictitious Points are not part of the count, although they can strengthen the influence of this configuration if they occupy the same sign. It is undoubtedly an imbalance factor, since the accumulation of multiple planets in a given position particularly stimulates characteristics and events that belong to the given sign or house. A stellium in Capricorn consisting of the Sun, Mercury and Venus is very different from a stellium with Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. In the first case we are talking about a cold, ambitious, taciturn, melancholic subject. In the second, however, these characteristics are projected outside. So the world view turns gray, life is difficult and nobody gives you anything.

Making Adjustments, digital artwork by Bob Orsillo

A Capricorn subject with a stellium in the tenth house identifies himself as ambitious and workaholic, with a total lack of emotional and vitalistic impulses. The only goal is to make a career. If, on the other hand, the stellium were in the eleventh, the career would leave room for the strong desire to belong to the world. So we will have a person often on the move, who will hardly take root. The character may be unstable, and the life goals too. This is a clear example of how a stellium can be deficient, as a sector that is too stimulated and leads to excessive research which often results in nothing. Many pseudo astrologers make the mistake of diversifying the characteristics of a sign based on the different modes of expression.

Example of a birth chart with a stellium (between the 5th and 6th houses)

The stellium and the zodiac signs

Many pseudo astrologers make the mistake of diversifying the characteristics of a sign based on the different modes of expression. A Capricorn will never lose the instinct and conditioning to dominate, whatever he does! A Capricorn individual with a stellium in the sign and in the tenth house, will tend to impose itself peremptorily in the working world; a Capricorn individual with a stellium in the sign and in the eleventh will tend to overpower friendships. This aspect is important because what changes between members of the same sign is where and how the solar characteristics manifest themselves. Iill give you another example: an Aries with Venus, Mercury and Moon in Pisces (therefore stellium in Pisces), probably possesses a remarkable rather atypical sensitivity for an Aries sun. Nevertheless, such an individual will not lose his desire to excel, he will not lose his instinct to say "I manage because I do first". The stellium in a birth chart highlights specific ways in which our conditioning is accomplished.

"The stellium should be considered as a very close family. If the father loses his job the whole family suffers; if a daughter is rewarded at school everyone is happy. Since the transits create a chain of reactions that activates all the planets of the stellium, people with this configuration will be subjected in their life to periods of calm alternating with periods of upheaval and change."

"The planetary aspects. From conflict to cooperation"

Tracy Marks

In the Houses

Now let's see how a stellium could express itself depending on the House or Houses in which it is located.

* Stellium in the first house - Danger of strong individualism, that is to perceive ourselves as the "center of the universe", believing that others must share our expectations, our points of view on what is right or what is not, on what is obvious and what must be explained, trying to dominate and keep everything under control.

* Stellium in the second house - Security and stability are two objectives of primary importance, and our well-being is linked to material things. With this configuration, the sense of possession makes us jealous of what we consider our property, including affections. Traditionalism and rigidity of mental schemes are closely linked.

* Stellium in the third house - Great need to communicate and transmit our message by establishing a comparison, seeking complicity and keeping dialogue alive. Possible problems with the surrounding environment due to intolerance for all those situations that subject us to precise rules.

* Stellium in the fourth house - Our family history can feed an emotional legacy that affects the dynamics of our present, sometimes imposing sacrifices, obligations or mechanisms of "repetition" that prevent us from taking full control of our life.

* Stellium in the fifth house - A planetary cluster in this sector of the Zodiac strengthens our desire to find ourselves at the center of attention, leaving ample scope for our inventiveness and the possibility of expressing ourselves in a unique way. Matters of the heart can play a significant role.

* Stellium in the sixth house - The attitude to be a workaholic and to face reality when the situation requires it stands out, cataloging situations and people with the precision of a Swiss chronometer. Our health can be affected by the way we approach work and our lifestyle.

* Stellium in the seventh house - Having friends and cultivating social relationships is of fundamental importance, but the fear of loneliness can push us to keep alive relationships that do not satisfy us. Finding the way to balance with ourselves and with our environment (neither too much nor too little) will be our main challenge.

* Stellium in the eighth house - Our ability to fall and stand up after painful experiences is at stake, learning to turn the page to focus our energy on new paths. Sex, money and power are intertwined with each other, becoming a means to exorcise the inevitability of death.

* Stellium in the ninth house - The thirst for knowledge allows us to broaden our vision of the world and the sense of the possible, modifying our philosophy of life and transforming all that is “far away” into an irresistible appeal. But the risk is that of chasing an ideal future, losing sight of the here and now.

* Stellium in the tenth house - Ambition can become a double-edged sword, ranging from the desire to improve our social or professional position to the most unbridled careerism. The temptation to take preferential lanes to achieve our goals is always present.

* Stellium in the eleventh house - Friendship is a very important value, also because it is often friends who play a significant role when it comes to realizing our aspirations. Possible involvement in groups or associations that cultivate a common ideal.

* Stellium in the twelfth house - It can be expressed in two ways: the ability to enjoy solitude whenever we feel the need, and the fear of spending time with ourselves, so as not to have to confront our problems and weaknesses instead to face them.

Follow me on Instagram for more: @ebla.astrology ⭐


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