The U.S.A. Pluto Return

247 years: that is what takes for Pluto to make one full complete cycle, to come back to the same zodiac sign. Luckily, as humans, we don’t live that long to experience “Pluto Return”, even though it may still go through 6-7 houses of our birth charts, during our lives.

We experience every cycle and/or return of planets like they are giving us some corrections regarding the way we are living our lives and we go through some tough tests as individuals. And so do the countries around the World at a societal level. Just like human beings, countries have their own birth chart, and for that they are not immune to any of those corrections, tests etc. during those cycles and returns.

Last time Pluto was in Capricorn was during 1762-1777, and that period falls onto the U.S.A.'s birth chart. In other words, the U.S.A. have been going through their 1st “Pluto Return” since when Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008. What Pluto does is that: it shakes their foundations to see if they were founded on a “Solid Rock” back in 1776; meaning that it verifies if they were founded on “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité”, (as opposed to Slavery, Discrimination and De-stabilizing other regimes etc.). If not, then Pluto will continue to shake these foundations. In the U.S.A's birth chart, the Sun is in Cancer, and the Ascendant is in Sagittarius. So Capricorn falls onto their 2nd house (according to the whole house system), which controls money and “Self-Worth”, “Self-Value”.

Let’s take a close look to what happened since Pluto entered Capricorn: 2008 was the year of the greatest melt-down of their stock-market, since the great depression in 1930’s. The 30% of the stock market index (Dow Jones) disappeared in a month, which was valued at $3 Trillion USD at that time. Almost 700,000 jobs were lost every single month, just before the presidential election. Their economy was in shambles so much so that they at least needed to make history, by electing their 1st African-American president.

When Obama Administration took over, the U.S.A. National Debt was standing at $9.5 Trillion USD. While today it is standing at $29 Trillion USD. In other words, they printed $20 Trillion USD in the last 13 years, in their Treasury department. Consider that during the first 232 years of their history, they created only $9.5T USD in National Debt. But, in the last 13 years they added another $20T USD on top of it (you could have built 3 U.S.A. countries with that much money). Pluto will be in Capricorn until 2024, so it is not done with the US yet, and the exact conjunction will take place in February 2022.

While all these economic factors were under Pluto's influence, something else also happened on December 21st, 2020. After 200 years, we changed the Element from “Earth” to “Air”, (this has to do with the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius). In the last 200 years or so, we were living the Capricorn era, which represents “Earth” and “North”. It was no coincidence that in the last 200 years, the emphasis (meaning power) was on North America, Northern Europe and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). Along with the “Earth” Element, meaning land, power, money etc. Now, that is about to change and the new World powers will most likely be Japan, Russia, China and India, since they are all located in the East. And, the emphasis (i.e. importance) will no longer be on money, land, property etc. (“Earth”), but on knowledge and information (“Air”).

I would like now to refer to different “Air” eras, throughout two historic examples. I am sure there are more than that which can be defined “Milestone” example, in our history. By the way, my first “Air” era reference is the period of time between 392 CE and 551 CE.

During this time the World’s greatest power, the West Roman Empire, were experiencing their 2nd Pluto return. Apparently they survived the 1st one, but unfortunately only 8 years after their 2nd Pluto return, they collapsed in 476 CE. And for that, “Air” era had already started 84 years earlier, in 392 CE.

My second “Air” era example is the time between 1226 CE and 1405 CE. During that time, the most striking event according to my opinion was  the creation of the “Magna Carta”, in 1215. The first draft of this agreement didn’t work out, and this led to a series of wars, until 1225. The Charter was re-issued in 1225 and, finalized in 1297, becoming England’s Statutory Law. To me, this was very important from a “Humanistic” point of view, a perfect example of “Air” era, of the tendency of putting “Human” value above everything else.

I don’t mean to insinuate that, with their 1st Pluto return and along with the “Air” era start, this will be the end of the U.S.A. But they definitely might lose the privilege of being World’s greatest power for good. And, hopefully, we will see something similar to Magna Carta in our time that, not only in the oppressed regimes, but also in other countries, puts “Human Life” ahead of everything else.

Instagram account: @ebla.astrology

Special thanks to my friend John, without his researches I wouldn't be able to write this post 


  1. Thank you so much for being the inspiration to initiate this blog. It really meant a lot to me. You have done a very good job ♡

  2. Thank you for sharing, I loved this read.✨


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