A Myth for each Zodiac Sign - Part II (Libra - Pisces)

Hello there! The second part of the origin myths about the zodiac constellations is finally here ★

These myths are taken from the De astronomia, a text by Hyginus from the 1st century.

Let's find them out:

♎︎ Libra and ♏︎ Scorpio: Orion 

At that time the two constellations were considered to be one, called Scorpio (ancient greek astrologers considered the claws of the scorpion the constellation that we now call "Libra"). Later, due to its huge size, it was divided in two and the image of one of them was called Libra. The sign as a whole was formed for this cause: one day Orion was hunting, and he boasted that he knew how to kill any creature created by Earth. So the Earth threw a scorpion at him, which killed him. Jupiter placed his image in the sky to warn men not to have too much confidence in themselves. The constellation of Orion was then placed in such a way that it sets when that of the Scorpio constellation rises.

♐︎ Sagittarius: Krotos

He was the son of Pan and Eupheme and he kept company of the Muses, whom his mother had nursed. He lived on the Mount Helicon, where he enjoyed himself with the Muses and hunting. Thanks to his diligence he became very fast in the woods and very skilled in the arts. So the Muses begged Jupiter to praise him among the stars, and so he did. Wanting to enclose all his skills in one body, Jupiter drew horse legs because he was very good at riding, and arrows to symbolize his intelligence and speed.

♑︎ Capricorn: Egipan

The image of the constellation is similar to the one of Egipan. Jupiter, who grew up with him, wanted him to be among the stars with the goat that fed him. When Jupiter made war on the Titans, Egipan was the first to spread fear among the enemies, that type of fear that was later called "panic". For this reason the lower part of his body has the shape of a fish, because he threw shells at the enemies as if they were stones, frightening them.

- ♒︎ Aquarius: Ganymede

Many see Ganymede in this constellation, whom Jupiter kidnapped from his parents because of his incredible beauty. Ganymede served the gods as their cupbearer: this is why he appears in the act of pouring water somewhere.

♓︎ Pisces: Venus and Cupido

One day Venus and her son Cupid arrived at the edges of the Euphrates River. Suddenly Typhon appeared, so Venus and her son dived into the river taking the appearance of fish, saving themselves from danger. Since then the populations of those regions have neither caught nor eaten fish, to avoid giving the impression of wanting to capture the deities.

What's your favourite? Tell me in the comments:)

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