Find your Career in your Birth Chart

Need a little guidance from astrology to find out what your ideal purpose and career is? This is the right place to discover it. You can find out what your focus should be analyzing your birth chart and looking in the right areas of it. (If you still don't have a birth chart, I suggest you to get one here: // ).

✶What's a birth chart?

A birthday charts resumes how the planets and their related energy are placed in the exact time you were born, and which areas of your life are the most influenced by them. Every birth chart is divided into 12 houses and everyone of them is linked to a specific area of life (for example, the 5th house is related to creativity, dating and children). Every house is in a specific zodiac sign, that describes the characteristics that that specific area of life will have, according to the related zodiac sign's main characteristics. The first house has always your rising sign, from which we will start to count the other houses that will have their own zodiac sign according to the classical order of the signs (from Aries to Pisces). The planets in the houses (where there are any) will put a specific energy in a specific area of life, depending on the specific energy of the planet we are referring to. In particular, the planets' positions indicate where you will master some lessons in your life.

Let's say that your birth chart can be considered your personal roadmap in the journey of life!

Here it is an example of a birth chart, to make it all more clear:

✶How can my birth chart guide me to find my ideal career?
The house linked to your purpose, success, public image and career is the 10th house, so we have to look at it to find out the answer to this question.

To understand your 10th house better we have to look at the zodiac sign that influences it, so that's a brief description of how each zodiac sign influences the 10th house and so your career:
- Aries: you are a leader, a decider.
- Taurus: you like to be in control, you want to handle things.
- Gemini: you are a communicator (for example a speaker or a writer).
- Cancer: you are a norturer, you may be working as a caregiver. You may also like working from home or in a family business.
- Leo: you love the spotlight, you may be a performer or the external face of a business (this is the case of actors, dancers, CEOs, politicians)
- Virgo: you are definitely an organizer, you pay attention to details. You are the ideal manager.
- Libra: these people are the peacemakers and the artists. You value partnerships and pay attention to beauty and justice.
- Scorpio: you are very good at finding out things and doing research work. Ideal career: detective.
- Sagittarius: you are the positive-thinker. You may work good in sales and teaching.
- Capricorn: you are very serious. Your work could be in politics or you may be an entrepreneur.
- Aquarius: you are very good with innovation and tecnology.
- Pisces: you are the dreamer. You may work in a field that involves spirituality, arts and the metaphysical dimension.

Now we have to look at what planets are sitting in the 10th house, if there are any. If there aren't any it doesn't mean you won't have a career or you won't be successful, it simply means that this won't be a focus area in your life and you will not master any lessons in this field. If you do have planets in this house, this is how they influence it:
- Sun: it speaks to fame and glory in your career.
- Moon: concerns about public image, there might be a lot of change in your career.
- Mars: success in your ambitions, high energy in dominating.
- Mercury: you are a great multi-tasker and speaker.
- Venus: you really fall in love with your career, you truly love what you do.
- Saturn: a lot of seriousness, you might be a workaholic. This is a great placement to be a good teacher.
- Jupiter: this is a very lucky placement, you are so lucky in your career and very likeable.
- Neptune: there are a lot of struggle and dissatisfaction about your career, this is not a very good placement.
- Uranus: you are really dissatisfied by traditional careers, you might work well as a free-lancer.
- Pluto: this is an energy about power and authority: you are very respected.

Let's make an example using our birth chart (that you can find above this post): we have Taurus in the 10th house, so this person may be successful in a career that involves handling things, like for example a career in elementary teaching. This person also has Pluto in the 10th house, that gives to this career an energy about power and authority, so this person will be respected in the career field.

Hope that it's sufficiently clear, please let me know in the comments if it was useful to you:)

For more astrology follow me on Instagram @ebla.astrology :)


  1. Thank you so much for posting this. Today, I would say I learned something 💙


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