Venus through the Zodiac Signs
Venus is one of the personal planets, and it rules the signs of Taurus and Libra. Its position in a natal chart can say a lot about what we are or aren't attracted to, our concept of beauty, our values and our needings and expectations in romantic relatonships. Let's dive deep in the meaning and characteristics of this planet and through its declinations in the different zodiac signs. The birth of Venus, by Botticelli ☆ Venus in mythology Aphrodite in Greek mythology is the goddess of love, art and beauty. In the Roman one, however, Venus is more carnal, sensual, she is the goddess of fertility. Venus, planet of love, was Vulcan's wife, but she betrayed him with her brother Mars. Venus and Mars form the most erotic couple in the Zodiac. Venus is the daughter of Uranus and Gaea: according to the myth she was born from the blood of her father, after he was castrated by his son, Cronus. According to the myth Venus was born following the fall of the genital organ into the sea....