
Showing posts from October, 2021

Why is Halloween celebrated? An astrological outlook.

Can we say there is an astrological significance to Halloween? Of course! Untitled, by Zdzisław Beksiński First of all, it's all to do with the Scorpio Season and its themes: power, rebirth, death and darkness. Scorpio can definitely be defined as the Zodiac Sign of the dark corners of human nature, concerning our fears that can deeply probe our psyche. So it makes sense that this celebration feels extra witchy, malevolent and spooky. To fully understand how the Zodiac and astrology fit into it all, we have to consider the annual marker and   date  of Halloween ( or better, All Hallows’ Eve):  October 31st . This is the evening  before  All Hallows’ Day, a.k.a All Saints’ or Hallowmas:  November 1st, while  the following day is All Souls’ Day,  November 2nd . In astrology, a date is never just a date. It is actually a  degree  of the Zodiac , in this case between 8º and 10º Scorpio . When the sun is around these degrees of any of t...

The U.S.A. Pluto Return

247 years: that is what takes for Pluto to make one full complete cycle, to come back to the same zodiac sign. Luckily, as humans, we don’t live that long to experience “Pluto Return”, even though it may still go through 6-7 houses of our birth charts, during our lives. We experience every cycle and/or return of planets like they are giving us some corrections regarding the way we are living our lives and we go through some tough tests as individuals. And so do the countries around the World at a societal level. Just like human beings, countries have their own birth chart, and for that they are not immune to any of those corrections, tests etc. during those cycles and returns. Last time Pluto was in Capricorn was during 1762-1777, and that period falls onto the U.S.A.'s birth chart. In other words, the U.S.A. have been going through their 1st “Pluto Return” since when Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008. What Pluto does is that: it shakes their foundations to see if they were founded o...

The YOD configuration - all about it.

Detail of "The Creation of Abram", by Michelangelo Buonarroti (1512) The Yod scheme is a configuration between at least three planets or points in the horoscope , that create a long triangle that resembles a witch hat. The Yod is also called "the Finger of Destiny", "the Finger of God" or "the Triangle of Projection", and it has been the cause of a lot of debates and controversies within the astrological community. A Yod is an isosceles triangle that's formed when two planets are in a sextile ( 60° aspect ) and both simultaneously create a close inconjunct or quincunx (150° aspect) to a third planet (2° to 2.5° maximum orb). The third planet is the apex planet.  Traditional astrologers have dismissed Yod astrology. They consider it "false" or simply a midpoint structure, and even among those who value the Yod there is debate about whether to include only planets or other points in the chart such as the Ascendant. I strongly believe ...